Exhibitors, Partners And Sponsors

About Exhibitors

Pre-Congress Professional Development Workshop

A senior expert is presenting Pre-Congress Professional Development Workshop (PcPDW). The presenter has a wide knowledge and expertise in the topic, and each workshop ensures that the participants gain at least 3-6 new skills or techniques which they can apply in future.

Printed Poster

An ICAP 2018 banner stand in APA Annual Convention 2016.

An ICAP 2018 banner stand in APA Annual Convention 2016.

The title on a printed poster is for informing the results of a study or to speak about the overall impact of a policy/program. Posters can be utilized to depict the message through pictures and diagrams with less use of words/text. A poster submission includes a summary of conclusions, an overview of recommendations which were implemented or impacts that were made evaluated.


A method used for sharing information in either spoken or visual format. The information shared is kept crisp in order to make projects interesting. One can present research, or for highlight the impact of the program, policy or intervention through GIMME-5.Total 4-minutes is granted for a spoken presentation and 1-minute for Q&A sessions, and the use of maximum of 3 slides is permitted. The information that you share should be thought provoking in the limited time that is allocated.

Spoken Presentation

This format is as similar as a “talk” or “oral presentation”. For spoken presentations 12-minutes time is allocated to present the topic and 3 minutes for Q&N sessions. The focal point of this arrangement is sharing information about a complex research or interventions.


This is quite similar to Spoken Presentation; the only difference is that it’s not just one topic, but a series of same topic with 5 presenters, and among this one person is a discussant. Every symposium is submitted by one person who can be a moderator, presenter, or a discussant.

Pre-registration booth for International Congress of Applied Psychology

Pre-registration booth for International Congress of Applied Psychology

Discussion Forum

A Discussion Forum is for brainstorming about research, solutions or policies. This is always submitted by a leader who should be prepared with a brief summary related to important issues and research for maximum 5 minutes. Overall time allocated for the session will be 25 minutes.

In-Congress Professional Development Workshop

Although this is similar to PcPDWs, only 90 minutes will be allocated to each IcPDW in which 80 minutes is given for the workshop & 10 minutes for set-up.

About Partners

Partnering with ICAP 2018 is an opportunity get in touch with your target audience, participate in the advances of the field of Applied Psychology and keep yourself updated with different innovations in the treatment, and learn the techniques to apply this in to real life scenarios. See more on different conference activities.

  • Spread awareness and present your research materials and products
  • Reach 4,000+ professionals within 5 days event
  • Brand extension and enhanced visibility
  • Building customer relationship and growing network with potential business partners

Every category has an “Entitlements and Benefits” to provide a higher profile to your business at the Conference.

About Sponsors

ICAP sponsor inquiries at site.

ICAP sponsor inquiries at site.

5 Main Reasons To Sponsor For Icap 2018:

  • Meet over 4,000 experts and researchers in Applied Psychology
  • Networking for new partnerships
  • Enhance your knowledge and stay updated
  • Promote your new inventions, technologies and business

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